Sunflowers stay in Amsterdam
The Vincent van Gogh museum decided that the painting of the sunflowers will be loaned out to other museums no more, because of its vulnerable condition. The good news for Vincents’ fans who can’t make it to Amsterdam, is that Vincent painted several versions of the flowers, as these flowers were his favorite stillife. He painted them with 12 flowers, with 15 flowers, in bloom and almost faded. Only four are in public collections. Maybe the most interesting one, is the one in Tokyo, painted on jute. In 1888 on the market in Arles, Vincent and Paul Gaugin bought some jute. Vincent painted sunflowers on his piece. Gaugin painted Vincent on it, painting sunflowers. Vincent was not happy with that portret and it was one of the reasons for the big clash with Gaugin, that eventually made Vincent cutting his ear off.